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Welcome Traveler

I am a serial opportunist, technologist, and adventurer.

This is my humble digital place where I can excersise creativity, and promote the things I care about. I have been in technology for more than twenty years and it is my passion. When I am not involved in building software, I can be found fly fishing, hiking, camping, scuba diving and generally enjoying my visits with mother nature - she misses you by the way. I am also a passionate cook. Mostly, I love doing all these things with my family - who I love more than anything.

Much of art and photography you see is mine, if it is not directly attributed. Things I've captured over the years. Mostly things I've found in nature.


Technology captivates, inspires, and drives me. While a great deal of my professional life involves creating software, my passion for technology carries me into so many spaces. Environmental conservation, renewable energy, artificial intelligence (AI), and decentralized finace (DeFi) are things I am involved with frequently.

These are some things I find interesting.

Things I Support

Thanks for wanting to reach out! I'm involved with a number of public and professional networks where we can connect. I'm looking forward to connecting!

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